Title A Study on the strength Characteristics of Serial Fine Aggregate Ratio in High-Strength Concrete
Authors 정일영 ; 권영웅 ; 홍기섭
Page pp.129-136
ISSN 12251674
Abstract In case that w/c ratio and mortar ratio given are constant, strength tendency due to the effect of fine aggregate ratio in high strength concrete can be summarized as follows.(1)There happened a lowest strength phenomenon in the fine aggregate ratio about 40% by weight in concrete and this phenomenon could be analyzed with the help of void space theory in this paper.(2)In spite of local falling tendency of strength due to the effect of fine aggregate ratio, by weight it seemed that there are general tendency of strength increasing in higher S/A ratio of concrete and the c use of this tendency could be explained with the help of hydration theory of cement or gell space theory.(3)For the tendency solution of low strength problem, there need a careful compaction of concrete and more wide studies should be performed out sooner or later.