Title A Research on the Flexibility of Unit Plan in the Apartment Housing
Authors 박용환
Page pp.109-116
ISSN 12251674
Abstract It is difficult to receive efficiently about the Variety of Apartment dwellers' life patterns or life cycles, because Apartments, different from Seperate Houses, have a few fixed types of their Unit Plans. And so the purpose of this Research is to make a Unit Plan which has much Flexibility in the inner space. The whole Research is divided into two parts which have one and the same context. Each Research could be summarize as follows;1)Research(I) is to find out how much the Flexibility is demanded and what factors there are, and to set up directions of making a Unit Plan. And so the main content of Research(I) attemps to grasp synthetically the dwelling needs and activities of existing Apartment inhabitants as research objects, and to see what the contents of requirements are.2)Research(II) is to decide, on the basis of Research(I), how far the Flexibility in a Unit Plan is possible, to suggest a fundamental Model plan, and to show instances of Flexibility. This Research belongs to Research(I) of the two Researchs above.