Title Structure and Process of the Socio-Spatial Phenomenon
Authors 이정근
Page pp.125-132
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Within the Conceptual framework of the socio-spatial phenomenon, structure and process are considered as two complementary poles. Here, structure is not a fixed rule system hidden in depth but an epistemological schema through which the socio-spatial phenomenon can be looked through. This epistemological schema consists of the part-whole relation. The social process of a living community is assumed to conform to the relations among its members and to those between individual and the collective body as a whole. The space organisation of a community could not be otherwise except being in tune with the part-whole relation constituting its social process. Socio-spatial phenomena are being changed all the time so that these can be understood only through a structured framework of the part-whole relation. In turn, as the part-whole relation is always being structured, structure itself should be conceptualised in conjunction with the concept of process. The change contained in the concept of process is assumed to comply with that of Yin-Yang where the opposite but complementary poles ceaselessly interact to become elevated to a new category of a whole. Process explains the ontological base of the socio-spatial phenomenon while structure is concerned with its epistemological question.