Title A Study on the Direct Tensile Test Method of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Authors 서상교 ; 박찬수
Page pp.141-150
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This paper aims to investigate the tensile characteristics and stress-strain behavior of SFRC after the maximum tensile stress which are necessary for utilizing SFRC as a structural member. But the several existing test method have brought cracks during the test because it is impossible to get rid of the stress concentration perfectly. The direct tensile test mothod attempted in this paper is tested with improved going on well of stress transmission by bond stress of steel bars in both ends of the test piece, and for the test piece from that the fiber is mixed well often after occurrence of arch action of steel fiber in the tapered section of it.As well as the investigation about the characteristics of flexural behavior by the flexural test, the model of the flexural tensile stress-strain curve appropriate for the analysis of the flexural behavior with the tensile stress-strain relationship obtained from the direct tensile test.