Title A Study on Spatial Function and Users Behavior in Market places of Residential Areas(Seoul)
Authors 최무현 ; 김영 ; 양동양
Page pp.37-48
ISSN 12251674
Abstract With sequential development of Market, its functions and consumers' behaviors have been complicated in urban settlements, even in high-density residential areas. Different uses of the market places or commercial facilities based on different cultures and periods by different users, result in emperical unfittness of them. It might be a potential desire in their minds that they should pursue more practical uses of those places and facilities for urban residential environment. Therefore, we need a hypothes is in that, an emperical approch to the open space of the market places and commercial facilities adjacent to residence, in order to measure the degree of preference of the residents as "consumers," would be desirable to understand both those functions and begaviors rather than other approaches or attitudes toward economical spatial theories accepted. This study aims at establishing more acceptable use patterns in high-density residential apartment areas proposing further studies on a mult-purpose space in harmony with contemporaty spatial theories, not impringed on practical urban life or environment.