Title A Study on Degree-Day Correction factor(Cs) of Energy Saving Calculation for Retrofited Building
Authors 최병완 ; 박윤성
Page pp.163-170
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Heating Degree-Days are often used as a climatic measure in Building Energy Calculations. To account for the effects of Solar and Internal Gains, Degree-Days at a lower base temperature are sometimes used, or the number of Degree-Days is adjusted downward by Degree-Day Correction Factor. But, most of the case, the term "Energy Savings" refers to a reduction in heating "Load," and the important distinction is that "Savings" are calculated as a difference of "Load." The focus of this paper is on "Saving" calculation, and presents a theoritical derivation which demonstrates that Cd factors are not the appropriated correction factors for Calulation of Energy Savings. The results of this paper shows that the derivation of new correction factors are appropriate for Saving Calculation.