Title Differentiation of Space in the Socio-Spatial Field of Communication
Authors 이정근
Page pp.13-22
ISSN 12251674
Abstract If we regard the life space of a community as the social field of communication, its spatial organisation is assumed to be a physical measure manipulated for the regulation of energy-information flow between members or gronps of the community. This process of space organisation is closely related with the social process reflecting the part-whole relation of the community. The organisation of space consists in differentiating space as it is a part of nature into individual regions of space and reintegrating them into a structured whole. The fundamental basis of this process is contained in the interaction between two domains of nature and culture. Social man's recognition of the fact that his world is segregated from nature and his appreciation of his own body exposed towards the surrounding outer world give birth to the coordination system of spatial differentiation. The coordination system is composed in a manner of complementary poles of symmetric opposites. The organisation of space follows the principle of least effort. Though, in the domain of nature, this principle manifests exclusively in the maximum physical gain through the mininimum expenditure of energy, social man interferes this natural course according to the cultural ideology of his community. Therefore, the interpretation of which is the most economic way for the organisation of space could not be the same from a society to another.