Title A Study on the Architectural Planning of Hospital Pharmacy
Authors 김붕식 ; 이낙운
Page pp.87-100
ISSN 12251674
Abstract As the hospital pharmacy handle with a speciality of medicine that are consumed in hospital, they contribute to hospitals' role. And they are liable to be called 'a dispensary' as they are one dept. of hospitals. When we used a popular expression; 'a dispensary', we often think only the service of preparation of medicine for outpatients. But the pharmaceutical service is not limited to the service of preparation of medicine for outpatients. Besides this service, the hospital pharmacy carry out the services as follow; the preparation of medicine for inpatient, manufacturing medicine to wards and each dept. in hospital is also an important service to have to be under consideration in planning and designing of hospital pharmacy.Under the condition that there are few studies on the architectuaral planning of hospital pharmacy in Korea, we are frequently dependant upon the literature of other countries.This study is aimed to awake the new significance of the 'hospital pharmacy', which is one dept. of hospital and to show the data which is needed in planning and designing of hospital pharmacy.