Title Fire-resisting Characteristics and Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Column Exposed High Temperature During Fire
Authors 이성재 ; 박학길
Page pp.135-144
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study is to present the practical recommendations for establishing the approximate analytical method and fire-resisting characteristics of reinforced concrete column-which is composed normal concrete and mild steel reinforcement SBD24-which is affected from high temperature, through theoretical interpretation of the existing literature on this subject and an actual experimental proof.The important factors which are concerned with establishing an approximate expression of strength reduction are outlimed.The influence of high temperature on the material properties of reinforcement and concrete are reviewed.The results are as follow1. The strength reduction, for reinforced concrete column at high temperature can be established and obtained by numerical analysis method.2. The strength capacity of fire-resistance in reinforced concrete column can easily be known to concrete reduction factor table of time dependence.3. Relationship of fire-resistance time and covered thickness can be reasonably calculated.4. This paper include hereafter problems second-order influential factors, which are involved in spalling, splitting and expension deformation.