Title A Study on the Influences of Modern Pictorial Arts to Modern Architectual Forming
Authors 권태문 ; 김진일
Page pp.43-58
ISSN 12251674
Abstract When the relativity between modern architectual forming and modern pictorial art is comparatively analyzed according to their ages, groups, movements and stages of advancement, we can say it has passed through four phases in its formative characteristics. The first stage was to the pictorial art of impressionism origin and the modern design movement; which represented "the lines curved and streamed gracefully" with the center of expression in decoration. The second was to the pictorial art of cubism origin and Bauhaus ; which "formed cubes and structures simplified' as the result of the pursuit of geometrical and mecharical design which had been associated with the architectual design movement. The third was to the pictorial art of abstractionism(not concrete) origin and the architecture of functionalism ; which brought about "organic shapes"as opposed to the shapes of geometrical abstraction. The fourth was to the pictorial art of abstractive-expressionism origin and the plastic architecture;which demonstrated characteristic "plastic figures" quite inclinated to express the objects according to one's subjectivity or mind.