Title A Study on Rating of Floor Impact Sound by Listening Experiments using Synthesized Sounds
Authors 박병전 ; 신영무
Page pp.143-152
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Structure-borne sound propagation is one of the most important problems in building acoustics.Nevertheless, there is not yet sufficient knowledge to predict its behavior when preparing the acoustical design of a building. We have been studying physical measurement methods and subjective assessment of impact sound in order to find a practical method for assessing impact sounds from the viewpoint of noise assessment.In this paper, 25 students with normal listening acuity served as the subjects. Using this impact sound,experiment was carried out with the view of finding the relation between subjective evaluation and components of fundamental acoustical characteristics on rating of floor impact sound. The study were performed on 3 different investigation experiment, and find Stevens Mark 6 and Mark 7 are not suitable for noise assessmentof heavy weight impact sound.