Title A Study on the Establishment Basic Directions for Countermeasure in the Prospect of Housing Problems
Authors 임만택 ; 임영배
Page pp.89-102
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Housing plan eusure minimum standard of house living and residential environment. In addition to this it should make it ideal status. Housing problems can be solved not by an respect but by various aspects, such as economy, social policy, land system, urban planning, tax system and financial policy.This research hold the essence of confronting housing problems and suggest basic directions for counterplan in living environmental preparation, owned housing, rental dwelling, house for the old, land. revenue source, tax system. Housing plan should be established and evaluated positively and gradually in accordance with social welfare. And also it should be suitable to the needs of current social development and the special qualities of regional areas. For this purpose, it should be flexible and effective.