Title A Study on the probability of brittle failure and its effect on the flexural safety of the underreinforced concrete beam
Authors 정일영 ; 박순규
Page pp.205-214
ISSN 12251674
Abstract When a reinforced concrete beam is loaded to failure, two modes of bending failure are possible. One mode is brittle casused by concrete crushing and the other is ductile caused by yielding of reinforcing bar.The mode of failure is controlled by percentage of tension steel. To ensure ductile behavior, the ACI Code permits only the design of under reinforced beam.The evaluation of safety level of the underrienforced beam carried out by considering possibility of tensile failure only. Since the variables to determine the failure modes of reinforced concrete beam are randem variable, even the underreinforced beam could be collapsed in brittle failure mode.The possibility of the brittle failure and its effect on the safety level of the underreinforced concrete beams are evaluated by ASM Method.