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Architectural Planning and Design Model of Korea City Area Old Parents` 3-step Dwelling Facilities. |
Abstract |
Housing is a most important issue in the consideration of social welfare for the elderly. It is also closely related to other health and welfare issues and cannot be viewed in isolation.There are also constraints on the ability of aged persons to choose their housing arrangements.Factors include: a lack of suitable accommodation in areas where it is needed and at a price which the aged person can afford, levels of income, and dificulties experienced by some aged perple in performing ordinary household tasks because of frailty, or other mediosocial conditions.For frail elderly perple, the ability to availability of assstance from their families and/ or the availability of social support services in their localities.For many aged persons, the question of housing is intimately linked to matters concerning living anangements which are in turn influenced by the types of dwelling 3-step projects1. Self-contained dwelling units 2. Serviced apartments or Hostel.3. Nursing hormes. |