Title A Study on Structural Characteristic Analysis for Structural Safety Test in Building.
Authors 주경재 ; 조철호
Page pp.283-294
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The number of building newly constructed or expanded has continued to grow in recent years as a result of economic growth. But each year some building structures are damaged after the use for a certain period. Usually they are repaired and reinforced depending on the results of safety inspection.Some damages may result from a number of factors unexpected or neglected at the design phase which are not esily identifiable. Such damages have not yet been properly reported and are not expected to be easily reported in the future as they require a high cost and are concerned with claims.The purpose of this study is to reduce the number of factors causing structural damages and to minimize the cost of repairing and reinforcing such damages by analyzing the characteristics of sturctural damages on 103 buildings surveyed by the Architectural Institute of Korea between 1978 and 1988 (May) and by providing data on the elements that may cause such damages and preventive measures against the damages during in design and under construction phases.Basically the damages on buildings are divided into structural damages and non-structural damages.This study is concerned with structural damages and is confined to the structural problems in the design, and construction phase and the damages on buildings resulting from the construction of an adjacent building.