Title A Study on Traditional Korean Housing Feng-shui Theory from the Mint`aeksamyo
Authors 이상해
Page pp.107-116
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study investigates the theoretical aspects of traditional Korean housing feng-shui from the contents of the Mint'aeksamyo by Son Yo Hon and other related feng-shui books. Through the study, in particular, it is elucidated that the theories on the Three elements of domestic architecture, sitting and facing directions of a house, Eastern four houses and western four houses, and Compass examination method that appared in the Mint'aeksamyo are interpreted and employed differently by Mr. Son from the other feng-shui books. Thus, it is maintained that for the exploration of traditional Korean domestic architecture in terms of housing feng-shui, the theories in the Mint'aeksamyo should be examined carefully in consideration with other feng-shui books.