Title A Study on the Standardization of Articulation Testing Method and Its Evalution Suitable for Korean Language
Authors 윤장섭 ; 김선우 ; 오양기
Page pp.95-108
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The quantitative measurement of the speech communication quality in an auditorium provides useful informations to architects in the acoustical points of view. In this part of the study, we improved and modified the preliminary testing standards which was presented in the privious article to get a better performances so as to propose a new articulation testing standard. With a model test in five auditoria, using the proposed standard, we find close relationships between articulation scores and the acoustical characteristics of the rooms.- The difference in the average articulation score among various acoustic fields is mainly subject to the average sound level attenuation in the audience area and to the background noise level of the auditorium.- The difference in scores among the various seats in an auditorium is related to the sound level distribution and the spatial location of the seats(side/cneter).