Title An Experimental Study on the Thermal Transmittance Value of the Window
Authors 이영근 ; 박윤수 ; 김해전
Page pp.127-134
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Energy saving has been thought to be impertant in building because of energy crisis.The main purpose of this study is to provide basic technical data for the thermal transmittance values of the following three cases.(case 1) single window with single glass(case 2) double window with single glass(cass 3) single window with pair glassFindings of this study are summarized as below.Thermal transmittance values of windows of (case 2) and (case 3) are lower than K=3Kcal/m2.h.C meeting the regulation of Korean Architectural Building Code.- The ratios of thermal transmittance values of(case 2) and (case 3) to that of (case 1) in alumminium window are 64%, 62% respectively.- The ratios of thermal transmittance values of (case 2) and (case 3) to that of (case 1)in plastic window are 64%, 59% respectively.