Title A Study on Korean Traditional Domestic Architecture from the Contents of Sung Jo Ga
Authors 이상해 ; 권종남
Page pp.35-44
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to study various aspects of traditional dwelling from the contents of Sung Jo Ga. Sung Jo Ga is a song our ancestors had sung when they were building up a site. It contains various aspects of thoughts related to our traditional dwelling, construction process, dwelling form, etc. therefore it is worthy of studying from an architectural point of view. Through the study, the contents of Sung Jo Ga, which are related to traditional domestic architecture, are found that can be divided into following 5 categories:1) the content related to building site,2) the content related to construction process,3) the content related to dwelling form,4) the content related to numbers,5) the content related to directions.With the contents shown above, the extent of this study is limited to reveal the facts related to traditional dwelling, the sense of value on dwelling, the background of thought and the symbolic meaning that traditional dwelling had.