Title A Research on the Population and Family Types Construction in Housing Complex
Authors 정사희
Page pp.77-86
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The purpose of this research is understand the changes of population and family types in housing complex. Previous research(I) was studied on the structure of population and family types in present.The main contents of this research(II) is to find the changes of population and family types in the two aspect of vital statistics and stationary statistics.The results summarized as follows:(1) The distribution of matured children and manhood is tend to change according to how large the size of house is, and to change the structure of family types by the times. (2) The change of incoming family types is different a little accdording to housing types.(3) It is difficult to apply the change of population and family types to future estimate with the same way continuously, because the change is not consistant in view of the results of comparing population and structure of family types by each construction year. (4) The unit planning of house must have the flexibility to the change of population and family types by the times.