Title An Experimental Study on The Effects of Architectural Factors on the Internal Thermal Environment
Authors 김용인 ; 김승진 ; 김광우 ; 김문한
Page pp.155-164
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The purpose of this study is to present the effects of selected architectural factors on the interfnal thermal environment and the basic design concepts which may improve the environment without adopting any mechanical measures.The results are as follow,1) The window area ratio is the most effective in reduction of temperature fluctuation and decrease average inner-temperature.2) The night insulation is useful in increasing minimum temperature at night time.3) The ventilation rate is not useful in regulating inner-temperature in spring and autumn season.4) Thermal mass is effective in regulating inner-temperature. The more important factor, however, is not the volumn of thermal mass but area of it which contacts with inner-air.