Title A Study on the Evaluation Method of the Parking Lot Size Using the Queuing Model
Authors 황정하 ; 박영기
Page pp.119-130
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study aims to suggest the evaluation method of the appropriateness of the parking lot size with a computer simulation medel for predicting of parking facility usage pattern on the basis of the Queuing theory.The major findings are as follows;1)Computer simulation model suggested in this study can be used as the evaluation method of the parking lot size based on predition of parking facility usage pattern in the levels of validity.2)Parking facility annexted to building have to be planned by considering of the parking facility usage pattern, especially the number of parking vehicles at peak, average parking duration, the rate of utilization of parking facility, and the number of vehicle on waiting line.3)In the planning of parking facility, the measure for effective utilization of parking facility has to be sought with control of parking duration rather than unreasonably securing parking facility accoring to related buliding ordiance.