Title A Study on the Relation Between School and Community
Authors 김승제
Page pp.169-180
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The aim of this study is to obtain efficiency and guide of planning(function division zoning plan, etc.) in opening plan of School Facilities based on speciality of their, recognizing flow and character of Needs and explanation of mechanism of School Facilities Needs, for make clear of mechanism of character, efficiency, speciality and formation to residents community, by investigation an analysis of School Facilityes Needs.As a part of that, this study mainly was analysis of outline and actual situation of school opening in legal basis or on-zone of school opening, and go on basis of this, it is close to aim of this study, recognizing character of use School Facilities and opening problem in the Management.To practice the aim of stucy, selection of on-zone is indispensable that must considered the difference of local nature, but the elementary School of Jeon-Ju City, Iri city were selected because their especially have an issue to community formation of residents.