Title A Study on Cognitive Maps of School Environment
Authors 윤혜경 ; 이연숙
Page pp.189-202
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the physical characteristics of the school environment through cognitive maps, and to determine the relationship between these and amount of time spent in the school environment, personality, achivement, and the characteristic of space usage respectively. Various methods were used to measure major concepts in this study: paper-pencil technique for cognitive maps: questionnaire for amount of time spent and the characteristic of space usage: standarized objective test for personality: school records for school achivements.High interrater's reliability was obtained during the process of interpretating cognitive maps drawn by students.Subjects were 172 students in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades. The 3 classes of same location in each floor were selected.The results were as follows;1.The more time spent in the environment, the more holistically understand the environment. When in very stressful condition, the number of elements recognized rather than structural quality were oveflowed.2.Students with leaderships and sociable, emotionally stable personality recognized their environment more actively.3.Students' environmental cognition is more associate with the mood, when responding to the environment than with the frequency of interaction.