Title A Study on Typical Pattern of Apartment Unit Floor Plan in Korea
Authors 박길용
Page pp.1-14
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Korean Apartment House is devided into three Unit Types; Stair Hall Type, Single Side Corridor Type and Hall Type. Main problem to be pointed is the monotonous building type and rare variety for site planning. The cause to typical pattern of unit plan is make by orientation to the south, economical capacity, monotonous structural concept and limitation of building code.The result of this analysis, 280,448 dwelling units as 1,274 cases unit floor plan which built in year of 1970-1988, is summarized as follow;1. Average net area of unit is 76m2 with 20% public space ratio, the net area ratio of stair hall type is highter than single corridor type of hall type.2. The relationship between width and length in unit plan has relation with the building type. The single corridor type make more narrow width than the other type for same area.3. The typical front bay are 2 bays with 2.5~3 side elements and in this case, the average unit area is 50-66m2 with 2-3 bed rooms.4. The average area of bed rooms is 44-46% of unit area(net), but the lager units show the tendency of almost twice enlargement, the average bed room's area is 12-13m2 and the unit area is increased 30m2 for each 1 bed room adding.5. Living room is proportional to unit area, living room area increase more 10m2 for each 1 bed room adding.6. 2 Bath room Type is composed in condition of more 128m2 and for 4.35 bed rooms.7. The average number of floor is 10.34 stories, but it is not related to building type.