Title A Study on Jae-sil Architecture in the Chosun Dynasty
Authors 김일진 ; 김동인
Page pp.39-50
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study has considered the history, the location, the direction, the arrangement, the plan organization, and the structural characteristic of Bin-Dong-Jae-Sa in Bong-Wha Gun which was rebuilted in 1753 but has preserved the original form.This building has constituted the three fators together with the commermorative monument and the grave, has been faced to the south by the consideration of the physical aspects of the surrounding mountions. And this study has compared this ㅁ-shaped building with other ㅁ-shaped Jae-Sils which have been investigated till now and analyzed the defferences.Besides, this paper has described the joining method of roof sturcture, and the transformation and the characteristics of the fittings of this building, which has two floors because of sloping site.