Title An Experimental Results of the Transient Temperature Response of a Floor Heating Panel according to Varying Pipe Embeding Depth
Authors 손장열 ; 정광섭 ; 안병욱
Page pp.185-192
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The traditional "Ondol" heating system of Korea has changed into the radiant heating system with piping embedded in floors or slabs. "Ondol"have a number of unique characteristics. Such systems rely upon radiant heat transfer from the slab surface as well as convection. This study reports the results of transient experiments performed on a radiant heating system and enclosure. These experiments consisted of increasing the temperature of the water supplied to the radiant floor and then monitoring the thermal response of the floor for a period of several days. The study has contributed to the understanding of the transient behavior of radiant heating panels and enclosure exposed to this type of heating system.