Title A Comparative Analysis on Definitions of Urban Design
Authors 박철수 ; 최찬환
Page pp.179-188
ISSN 12251674
Abstract There is a widely held view that the concept of urban design over the last three decades have failed to produce a satisfactory concord for improving urban environment. The institutes and educators have emphasized their own intentions rather than general perceptions, and also examined their personal interests.This study is aimend to win the sympathy of the characterbistics of urban design with these situation by analyzing previous works on definitions of urban design. And this paper is intended to extract some valuable factors, as some classification thoughts, from many discussions on urban design itself.This is the fourth one in a series of papers on similar subject as above;Previous papers dealt with a prospect and rumination of the progress in conceptualization of urban design, a philological analysis in accordance with the progress in conceptualization, and post-graduate degree programs in urban design and their curricula at universities in Britain and the United States. The followings would be the corroborative evidence by made-up question study in and abroad and some case studies by analyzing the projects appearing professional journals and related texts.