Title A Study on the Extablishment Standards of Rural Settlement Zone
Authors 최명규 ; 전경배
Page pp.125-134
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Korea has rapidly achieved the national economic growth during last years, but our country tried only to the aggregated economic growth. As a result, it induced regional disparity.In this context, the Saemaul-Movement and small area development plannng did not affect on maintenance of the better living facilities and balanced regional development. Therefore, rural development planning must be enlarged from a level of Saemaul-Movement to a level of rural settlement zone development. In this point of view, We attempted,to define the meaning of rural settlement zone and to show the theoretical bases of rural settlement zone and to establish the basic standards for derivation and development of it.The reslt of this study will be helpful to the desirable rurl planning and the developing change of it.