Title A Basic Study on the Development of Housing Prototype Using A Shape Grammar
Authors 박한규 ; 남해경
Page pp.135-142
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study aims to employ a shape grammar in developing a housing prototype. This idea corresponds to viewing a design in terms of vocabulary of shapes occuring in the design and a set of spatial relations. Such vocabulary and a set of spatial relations may be used to define a shape grammar which usually generates a different language of design.It is concluded that space relations for the syntax and semantics of designs can defined reciprocally using shape grammars and description functions in much the same way that syntactic rules and semantic rules are linked to specify our understanding of formal, symbolic languages.And a housing plan will be difined in the matrix of arithmetic algorithm, and applied to CAD.It is possible to define shape as shape union(+),shape intersection(.),and shape difference(-). In the housing prototype the plans of housing will be generated and transformed from the basic unitplan-room+kitchen.