Title A Study on the Sound Distribution of Floor Impact Sound for Apartment House.
Authors 손철봉 ; 김재수 ; 김선우
Page pp.135-148
ISSN 12251674
Abstract We are very needed reference curve that suitable to the real situation of apartment house in domestic.But a series of study on the floor impact sound is beginning stage in domestic as well as floor structure is composed of multiple layer(ON-DOL,floor panel heating system)that grasping of vibration characteristic is very differcult. As well, when we are measurement of floor impact sound level, many time and man is needed and construction is finished, effective improvement method is very difficult. So, in order to ensure of impact sound insulation performance from design stage, prediction method is essentially required.Thus, this study offer fundamental data to prediction method by analysis of sound field in receiving room when floor structure is striked by standard impact source(Tapping machine, Tire)