Title Strength of Shear Connectors in Composite Steel and Concrete Beams
Authors 이재연 ; 박성무 ; 이리형
Page pp.217-224
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The dowel strength of shear connectors in composite steen and concrete beams is affected by the longitudinal cracks in the concrete slab. Therefore, a design method considering these cracks is necessary to design shear connection of composite beams. Twenty-six push-out specimens with longitudinal cracks in the slab are used to develop a design method determining the dowel strength of shear connectors. From this study, the dowel strength of shear connectors, Pcr, in concrete with longitudinal cracks is derived as follows Pcr=0.58 Pcb + [0.96 AR.Ss] Pcb ---------- d s2