Title A Study on the Practical Grading Method for Intelligent Office Buildings in Korea
Authors 이정덕 ; 정준희
Page pp.13-24
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study intends to make a systematic categorization of intelligent buildings, best suited to Korean circumstances, mainly from an architectural standpoint rather than any mechanical or technological one. Many yardsticks are devised to appraise the level of office building intelligence, which includes comforts, amenities, functions and services. According to the combination of these factors, a building may be classified into one of follwing categories:level 0 (dumb), level 1 (basic), level 2 (moderate), level 3 (advanced) and level 4 (yet-to-come). It has been found that almost every key points of planning should be checked for the decision of intelligence level.It has also been found, as a result of this study, that the grading sheet would be used for office gradation. A recommended prototype of grading sheet is carefully proposed here for a harmonized and balanced planning of IB. And some tolerance may be given to the grading in a paritcular IB project because all the factors can not be fixed in a single target level.