Title A Study on the Daylight Illuminance for the architectrual design
Authors 이석배
Page pp.187-196
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Reducing the cost of building operations and increasing the quality of indoor working environments by means of effective daylight utilization is important to building designers, owners and occupants. In order to determine the lighting energy savings from daylighting, it is necessary to predict the availability of daylight at each building surfaces for all hours of the year. The paper reports on the results of the daylight availability measurements during summer time at the Sunchon National University. The analyses of the recorded data are done in function of sky ratio according to the proposal of IESNA. The results show the distribution of the global and diffuse illuminance with time and solar altitude from unobstructed sky, the percentages of various working hours for which given illuminances occur of illuminances on different orientations, especially of illuminances on the facades of building. Also the results are compared with existing theoretical sky model(IESNA).