Title A Study on trend of The Housings and Facilities for The agged in Japan
Authors 김태일
Page pp.13-22
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Accordong to a Reporting of population of United Nations, it is predicted that Korea will enter into "Aging society" after about a cade, which United Nations had determined in 1957.In case of all Western which had entered into "Aging society" at early time, they have compositely been preparing for problems of The elderly not only in architecture but also in urban planning medical field, welfare field and so on. But in case of Korea, as a Housing Policy for The elderly, Three Generation Sharing Apartment has only been suggested and provideng. So it is necessary to provide more various kind of residences for The elderly in order to become residence selectively.Grasping a situation of Housing and Facilities for The elderly in Japan, which will enter into "Agede society" soon and is similar with Korea in social, it is a aim of this study that we suggest with regards to desirable Housing Policy for The elderly in Korea.