Title On the analysis of the architectural design cognitive process:focusing on the plausibility of the application of protocol analysis methods to it
Authors 전영일
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The central proposal of this paper is that the protocol analysis for the investigation into the architectural design process is plausible. Accounting for the process, as for other kinds of design process, requires explication of the mechanisms by which the protocols are generated, and the ways which they are sensitive to experimental factors. Within the theoretical framework of human information processing, the discussion is made on how the architect formulates the design problematic situation and design constraints and how he/she transforms the design knowledge states in light of IPT. It is rather convincingly advocated that verbalizing information he/she is attending to in short-term memory during the design process might result in the filling-in of terra incognita on the map of human cognition that we know perfectly well how to survey thanks to protocol analysis methods, even if the process requires the most complex human cognitive mental activities.