Title A Survey Study on the Actual State and the Utilization for Gun-min Assembly Facilities
Authors 김시형 ; 정건채 ; 전경배
Page pp.53-62
ISSN 12251674
Abstract This study aims to make an offer of the basis data when they establish Gun-min assembly facilities are used all the year round for activities like an assembly or a cultural fruition, through understanding the present state of the facilities, the controversial point and people's demand of the county for this facilities. The results are as follows.Most of Gun-min assembly facilities did not have any relation to the population, density of population and the area of the sector. So, the appropriate decision of scale of the facilities is demanded.Main functions of the Gun-min assembly facilities are assembly, cultural fruition, exhibition and library. Therefore, compounded and multi-purposed facilities, which are corresponded to the each function, are requested. Because of management of the Gun-min assembly facilities is very passive, and the chief subject of management is the county office, many problems of utilization and management for the facilities are revealed. So, The appropriate plan is requested by character of the sector, as knowing the various level of demand for the facilities by the sector and item of demand through a question survey.