Title The Measurement of Contained Water Content in Concrete by the Electrode Method
Authors 김인수 ; 오창희
Page pp.187-193
ISSN 12251674
Abstract The measurement of the internal moisture content in concrete are various methods such as using electric resistance of electrode, relative humidity, and dielectric properties of concrete. But they have a problem in their own way. Therefore, it is very important to study measuring moisture content in order to accurately investigate the properties of concrete. So, the purpose of this study is offering basic data which can correctly and effectively measure the internal moisture content of concrete.(1) The moisture content of concrete decrease as time passes after placing concrete and the quantity are 7.1 /vol(W/c=0.45), 7.6 /vol(w/c=0.55)and 9.2 /vol(W/c=0.65) at age 28 days.Also, the quantity are 37~43% of mixing water in concrete.(2) We can effectively measure moisture content by applying correlation between moisture content and secondary voltage and propose the equation of correlation.