Title The Investigation on Shear Strength of Reinforced High Strength Concrete Beams
Authors 신성우 ; 이광수 ; 문정일 ; 안종문 ; 박희민 ; 장일영
Page pp.109-116
ISSN 12251674
Abstract Though increasing the usage of high strength concretein the structural building, we rarely have the information or adquate data about the shear mechanism of reinforced beams with high strength concrete. Thus, in this study 20 beam specimens were casted and tested. The major variables are: compressive strength of concrete (f'c), shear span to depth ratio (a/d), the number of stirrups (Vs).Test results showed that shear reinforcement ratio(Vs) between 50% and 100% makes no difference of the ultimate shear strength but makes difference of the capacity of ductility, and the equations of Zsutty and present ACI code overestimate the compressive strength of concrete and underestimate the effect of stirrups. Prediction equations are to suggest for evaluating the shear strength of high strength concrete up to 500kgf/cm2.