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Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers

ISO Journal TitleJ Korean Inst. IIIum. Electr. Install. Eng.
Title The Study of the Optical Current Sensor Using Magneto-Optic Effects
Authors Jeo-Il Jeon ; Jung-Soo Lee ; Si-Joon Song ; Cheol-Woo Jung ; Won-Ju Park ; Kwang-Sik Lee ; Jung-Bae Kim ; Min-Soo Kim
Page pp.47-53
ISSN 1225-1135
Abstract In this paper, we described the laboratory layout of the optical CT in connection with the measurement of large current based on Magneto-Optic Effects. It was used He-Ne laser for light source and was used PIN-Photodiode for light receiver. The sensing section was organized by winding optical fiber around conductor on the concept that the rotation angle of polarizing axis by Faraday Effect is proportional to the applied current in to conduction. The optical signal passed through optical fiber sensor was induced to analyzer arranged in the direction of θ for input polarization, and then analyzed its rotation angle and researched on operating characteristics of optical CT for 60[Hz] AC current measurement from 100[A] to 1000[A] was carried out. In this results, the output signals induced linearly with the current and proved that the intensity is increased with increasing turns of fiber through output differences which in accordance with turns of fiber and we verified that there is not only difference of the output with the medium between electric field and optical fiber, but also the lineality. Measuring the references and output intensities of the optical CT, ratio errors were within ±7%. This confirmed that error rate will be improved by each medium and turns.