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Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers

ISO Journal TitleJ Korean Inst. IIIum. Electr. Install. Eng.

Ethics and Responsibilities of authors

All submitted manuscripts should be original and should not be considered by any other scientific journal for publication at the same time. No part of the accepted manuscript should be duplicated in any other scientific journal without the permission of the Editorial Board.Authors should comply with the ethical standards of an author’s institution and institutional or national guidelines.For the policies on research and publication ethics that are not stated in these instruction, the statement of ethics & responsibilities in the publication of research(http:// can be applied to “Guidelines on Research Ethics” from National Research Foundation of Korea and Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies.

Editorial and Peer Review Process

The editor selects peer reviewers by the recommendation of the Editorial Board members or from the special database owned by the Editorial Board. Acceptance of the manuscript is decided based on the critiques and recommended decision of the reviewers. A reviewer’s decision is made as “Accept”, “Minor Revision”, “Major Revision” and “Reject.” If there is a marked discrepancy in the decisions between the reviewers and an author after the examination by three reviewers, the Editor may send the manuscript to another reviewer for additional comments and recommended decision. Two repeated decisions of ‘Review after revision’ are regarded as “Rejection.” A final decision on acceptance or rejection for publication is forwarded to the corresponding author from the Editorial Office.
The peer review process takes usually two to three months after the manuscript submission. Failure to resubmit the revised manuscript within six months is regarded as a withdrawal. Revisions are usually requested to take account of criticism and comments made by reviewers. Alterations by the corresponding author must have been made in response to the reviewer’s comments point to point. (Alterations of the corresponding author to the reviewer’s comments must have been responded to point to point.)
Acceptable reasons should be given for noncompliance with any recommendation of the reviewers.

Online Accessibility(Open Access)

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers that permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided that the original work is properly cited.

Subscription and publication fee(paper charge)

KIIEE member can subscribe to this journal. Subscription charge 40,000KRW per year. All accepted paper will be kindly asked to pay page charges in order to cover part of the publication. The thesis publication fee is 30,000 KRW per page up to 6 pages and 40,000 KRW per page beginning with the 7th page. When publication is urgent, there is an additional charge of 50%, and in case of funded research (remarks of appreciation), 100,000 KRW is additionally charged.

Manuscript Submission

All manuscripts must be submitted anytime throughout the year. Application dates are set on the day when a thesis is submitted through the online thesis submission system (website: and the examination fee is paid. Complete submission instructions are available at this website.
Tel : 02-564-6534 / Fax : 02-3453-6041
E-mail :

Forms of Publication

  1. Original Papers : This form of publication represents original research articles on lighting and electric installation.
  2. Case Reports : The description on clinical cases should be unique and should preferably be a first-time report.
  3. Brief Communications : Short reports of original researches are accepted for publication.
  4. Letters to the Editor : Critical comments are welcomed for correcting errors of published facts and for providing alternative interpretations of published data.
  5. Reviews : Invited or submitted review papers are accepted.
  6. Erratum/Revision/Addendum/Retraction : These kinds of editorial notice may be published.


Author's check list

  1. Persons submitting a thesis(Main authors and co-authors) must be regular members of the academy and must pay dues in full.
  2. Theses must be the result of unique research about engineering science in the area of lighting and electric installation, and have never been published in any public publication.
  3. Theses should go through a certain examination process by the editing board before adaptation. The board can require partial correction or additional content.
  4. Theses should be written in Korean and Chinese Character, but they can use English terms when necessary. English terms should be written in Korean and when necessary, in English. The English terms are placed in parenthesis.
  5. The title of articles, and name of authors, institutions, and positions shall be listed in Korean and in English.
  6. The abstract of a thesis must be simple and provide an overall understanding of a thesis and observe the followings.
    • It shall be independent and a summary of the full text and not include abbreviations, footnotes, and references.
    • It shall not exceed 200 words.
    • It shall be prepared in one paragraph and not include mathematical equations or tables.
    • It shall be a summary of the author’s conclusion as well as the theme and scope of a thesis so that the abstract itself can be a useful document on the information search system.
    • It shall be written so that it can be read and understood easily and without grammatical errors.
  7. The introduction to an author shall be prepared in English and be submitted along with a photo when submitting the final version of a thesis after the completion of the review, and shall include the name of institution, position, education, and career of the author.
  8. The first letter of an English sentence should be capitalized. As a general rule, other letters should be in small letters, except for proper nouns.
  9. Family names follow the first name when referencing an English name. (ex.: Woo-Jin Jang, Jin-Woo Lee)
  10. Copyrights of submitted theses which were published or are to be published are transferred to the academy. There should be no objections.
  11. For the establishment of research ethics, the submitted these should comply with a separate regulation on research ethics regarding research misconduct verification and follow-up. (See the separate regulation.)
  12. All detailed information required by the online thesis submission system must be completed for each thesis submission.
  13. Submissions must clearly identify the main author and corresponding writers. There must also be an introduction to the main author. The main author and corresponding author(s) cannot be changed after the examination.
  14. The thesis should begin with a summary in Korean, followed by a summary in English, and then the body of the thesis. An appendix and references follow the body.
    • Key-words(4~5) should be written at the bottom of the English summary,
    • Authors should appear in the order of: the main author with the * on its left side, co-author(s) with ** next to main author and corresponding author(s) with † on their right side.
  15. English is used for contents of illustrations and tables. English is only used at the bottom of an illustration and at the top of a table.
  16. Submitter should pay the cost for the following:
    • demanding color printing
    • correcting/removing a damaged illustration
    • copies in excess of 20 copies
    • when additional editing is required due to mistakes of the writer
  17. Examination fee is 40,000 KRW per thesis when submitting a thesis and 100,000 KRW for an urgent examination. However, English thesis is exempted.
  18. When the thesis is selected, the writer should submit a printable file without correction or editing and the writer can edit by fax before the final printing.
  19. The final draft is published after the examination, and in the order of submission.