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Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers

ISO Journal TitleJ Korean Inst. IIIum. Electr. Install. Eng.
Title Countermeasures to Irregular Abrasion of Section Insulators for Electric Railroad Catenary
Authors Kyu-Hyoung Choi
Page pp.87-94
ISSN 1225-1135
Abstract As a section insulator dividing the electric railroad catenaries with different phases, the AC/DC section insulator which divides AC and DC railroad catenary have the complex structure, and suffer irregular abrasion on the surface of insulator rods when it is installed at the underground railroad. This paper is intended as an investigation of the irregular abrasion of section insulators, provides the field measurements of abrasion level along insulator length and the abrasion patterns. The height variation of insulator parts and the bending length of insulators against pantograph"s contact force are analysed experimentally, and the irregular abrasion mechanism is clarified with the help of theoretical analysis on the interaction between pantographs and section insulators. On the basis of experimental and theoretical analysis, the countermeasures to reduce the irregular abrasion are provided too.