Title |
Time-varying Harmonics Measurement and Assessment of the Electric Arc Furnace Loads |
Authors |
Kyung-Chul Kim ; Seong-Eun Jin ; Sang-Young Park ; Ju-Hong Lee ; Il-Moo Lee ; Young-Soo Jeon |
Keywords |
Time-varying harmonics ; Harmonics measurement ; Harmonics assessment ; Cumulative probability ; IEC 61000-4-7 ; IEC 61000-3-6 ; IEEE Std. 519 |
Abstract |
Large steel industries have nonlinear loads including electric arc furnaces and harmonic field measurements have shown that harmonic content of a waveform varies with time. Since the large loads are supplied from the power system grid, it must be recognized that not only will the system of utility be impacted, but neighboring customer system could be impacted as well. In this paper time-varying harmonics are evaluated by international harmonic standards IEEE Std. 519 and IEC 61000-3-6 using a cumulative probablistic approach. |