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Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers

ISO Journal TitleJ Korean Inst. IIIum. Electr. Install. Eng.
Title A Study of Optimal Fuel-Mix Considering Power Generation Operation
Authors ; ; Chang-Ho Park ;
Page pp.28-37
ISSN 1225-1135
Keywords Optimal Fuel-Mix ; Daily Operation ; Variable Cost ; Fixed Cost ; Ramp-up/down Rate ; Unit Commitment ; Economic Dispatch
Abstract Though Korea has introduced CBP(Cost Based pool) power trading system since 2001, long-term Generation system planning has been executed by government for Cost minimization every 2 years. Until currently the model which is used for Generation system planning and best-mix only considers cost minimization and total yearly or quarterly electricity demand every year. In a view point of one day power supply operation, technical characteristics, like the ramp up/down rate of total generation system, minimum up/down time and GFRQ(Governor Free Response Quantity), are very important. this paper analyzes Optimal Fuel-Mix for 2022 Korea generation system satisfying these constraints of each fuel type and considering pump storage plants, construction cost and CO2 emission charge Using MILP(Mixed Integer Linear Programming) method. Also the sensitivity analysis which follows in future power industry environmental change accomplished.