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Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers

ISO Journal TitleJ Korean Inst. IIIum. Electr. Install. Eng.
Title Construction of Test Facilities for Solid-State Transformer Using High-Speed Railway Vehicles
Authors Seung-Ho Song
Page pp.433-437
ISSN 1225-1135
Keywords High-speed railway vehicles; Multi-level converter; Solid-state transformer; Test facilities
Abstract This paper describes the construction of test facilities for solid-state transformers for distributed power high-speed rail vehicles. The specifications of the solid-state transformer have an input voltage of 25kV AC and a rating of 4.2MW. The transformer operates at high frequencies, enabling designs that are smaller and lighter than existing low-frequency transformers of tens of Hz. The solid-state transformer has 14 modules connected in series, and each module consists of 3 cells. The verification process involves by increasing capacity and voltage, starting from individual cell tests, followed by module tests, series configuration tests, and system-level tests. Test facilities require not only the application of low voltages of hundreds of V to high voltages of up to 29kV, but also loads and power facilities of hundreds of kW to several MW. This paper presents a test plan and facility construction plan for a MW range solid-state transformer.