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Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers

ISO Journal TitleJ Korean Inst. IIIum. Electr. Install. Eng.
Title Development of e-IoT Device for Public Lighting Management with Interoperability
Authors Kyoung-Ho Oh ; Kyeong-Wan Jeon ; Byoung-Duk Park
Page pp.1-7
ISSN 1225-1135
Keywords e-IoT; Interoperability; KEPCO standard; LwM2M; Public lighting management
Abstract By applying the standard e-IoT (Energy IoT) protocol established by KEPCO, we proposed a system for the remote control and monitoring of public lighting and designed and manufactured a device to verify its functionality. To achieve this, we analyzed the e-IoT protocol based on the e-IoT standard document, Internet of Things Information Modeling and Linkage Rules. Furthermore, using the LwM2M IPSO system, we defined the objects and resources for lighting on/off and dimming control, and implemented the communication interface. The proposed system was designed using Eclipse Leshan and verified through testing with Postman. In the future, if this system is introduced into a public lighting monitoring and control system based on IoT standards, it will enable interoperability technology for public lighting systems deployed by operating entities.