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Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers

ISO Journal TitleJ Korean Inst. IIIum. Electr. Install. Eng.
Title Design of Outdoor Advertising Display Using EPD(Technology)
Authors Eun-Ji Kim ; Ga-Young Ryu ; Ji-Su Pyo ; Sang-Bin Song ; Jae-Yong Joo
Page pp.16-21
ISSN 1225-1135
Keywords Display reliability; EPD(Electronic Paper Display); Mobility-based advertising; Technology implementation feasibility
Abstract This paper presents a design approach for outdoor advertising displays based on Electronic Paper Display (EPD) technology, which enables ultra-low power operation. As the demand for outdoor advertising displays rapidly increases, the need for high-performance displays capable of operating in extreme environments such as high temperatures and direct sunlight is growing. Traditional LCD displays face limitations in brightness and reliability, and to address these issues, this study focuses on EPD technology. In this study, a system was designed to mount an EPD on a mobility device such as a bicycle to broadcast advertisements in real-time, and the feasibility of its implementation was experimentally examined. EPD displays offer low power consumption and excellent readability, achieving high brightness and uniformity to function effectively in outdoor environments. Furthermore, EPDs are capable of color image display, optical design for nighttime visibility, and exhibit excellent electromagnetic shielding performance, ensuring high reliability. This research demonstrates the potential of EPD displays as outdoor advertising displays in mobility-based environments and contributes to the design of energy-efficient advertising systems. In the future, the positive impact of EPD technology on the outdoor advertising industry and the development direction of related technologies will be analyzed.