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Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers

ISO Journal TitleJ Korean Inst. IIIum. Electr. Install. Eng.
Title A Study on Data Mapping for Interoperability Between Heterogeneous Protocols in Power Trading Models on Microgrids
Authors Hoon Jung ; Jong-Chan Lee ; Joon-Ho Ahn
Page pp.77-83
ISSN 1225-1135
Keywords Data map; Distributed resources; Heterogeneous protocol; Interoperability; Micro-grid; Power trading; Power purchase agreement
Abstract In the process of energy transition, the importance of distributed energy resources (DERs) has been growing, as they enable more flexible and efficient power supply compared to traditional centralized power grids. In South Korea, the Distributed Energy Resources Activation Special Act was enacted to promote the utilization of DERs, ensure the stability of the power supply system, and facilitate the activation of power trading among distributed resources. To enable active power trading among various microgrids, technical, regulatory, and economic factors must be addressed. Above all, achieving interoperability a crucial element in energy self-sufficient power trading?is essential. This paper presents a data map to ensure platform compatibility in distributed energy resource power trading. Based on this framework, it examines the feasibility of data communication between heterogeneous protocols to secure interoperability at the platform level, which manages regional microgrids.