The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

The Journal of
the Korean Institute of Interior Design

  • ISSN : 1229-7992(Print)
  • ISSN : 2733-6832(Online)
  • KCI Accredited Journal

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Title A Study on the Chronological Characteristics of the Strategy for House Marketing in terms of the Apartment Advertisements in Busan,Kyungnam area- focused on Busanilbo newspaper advertisements from 1970's to 1990's
Authors 최임주
Page pp.36-45
ISSN 12297992
Keywords 신문광고 ; 아파트 ; 연도별 특성 ; 게재빈도수
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the chronological characteristics of the strategy for the house marketing in terms of the apartment lots for sale advertisements appeared to be from 1970's to 1990's in Busan.Kyungnam area. For the analysis of the newspaper advertisement, a new residence environmental indication is introduced to this research as referring to the existing research data. With this indication, therefore, this study is to examine what contents of the advertisements are. Moreover, as analyzing how frequently the advertisements have been inserted in the newspaper, it shows the characteristics which the construction industry has planned for sale of apartment in lots. The results are as follows;First, the frequency of the appearance in the newspaper about each unit and block in an apartment complex has been on the decrease. On the other hand, the importance about the surrounding area has been on the increase during the period. It shows that consumer require more about the surrounding area issues than each unit itself. Second, in the case of the outdoor space in the apartment complex, the frequency of the appearance in the newspaper has been kept a certain levels during the period. It is clear that the consumers have been concerned about the outdoor space throughout the period. Third, the most important issue is the quality of site location, such as the benefits of the traffic, the levels of the education environment, the natural environment of the apartment complex and so forth. The frequency of the appearance in the newspaper has been kept increasing since 1970's in the advertisement. It clearly shows that this issue has been standardized for purchasing a house.