The Journal of the Korean Institute of Interior Design
A Study on Spacial Characteristic Features in Digital Game
A Study on the interrelationship between the Spatial Structure of Residential Space and the Structure of Music
A Study on the Spatial Characteristics in the Tectonic of the Barcelona Pavilion
Methodological Development of Physical Environment Rating Scale for Interior Space of Child Care Facility
A Study on the Chronological Characteristics of the Strategy for House Marketing in terms of the Apartment Advertisements in Busan,Kyungnam area- focused on Busanilbo newspaper advertisements from 1970's to 1990's
A Study on the Office Environmental Design of Monitoring Center
A Study on the Preference of Interior Design according to the Consumers’ Life Style - focused on the preference of interior design style and color
A study on film expressed composition factor in interior space
A Study of Interior Environment Lighting
A Study on the Applicability of Holography in the Interior Architectural Design